Terrain, performed by Bangarra Dance Theatre and choreographed by Frances Rings, is a work that explores nine interconnected sections that focuses on Aboriginal people's belonging to place.
IMPORTANT: Students often write Bangarra Dance Theatre as Bangarra Dance Company. When writing about Terrain, make sure that you refer to Bangarra as a THEATRE and not a dance COMPANY.
In order to fully understand Terrain, you must have:
Watched the entire work from beginning to end with no breaks
Researched Lake Eyre
Researched Bangarra Dance Company history in order to fully understand what they are about.
Watched interviews that Frances Rings has been a part of in relation to the dance work.
Research Bangarra Dance Theatre in order to understand what they are about and what is important to them.
Researching and watching the work isn't all you have to do. In order to achieve a band 6 you must:
Practice writing about all aspects of the Core Appreciation Stage 6 Dance Syllabus
Go to the following website and download the past HSC Dance questions and practice writing.
Once you have written practice essays YOU MUST hand them in to your high school dance teacher or a private dance tutor, like myself (I currently am a high school dance teacher). This will ensure that you are improving each time you write a practice dance essay. There is no point in writing practice essays if no one is helping you grow through them.
Read dance essay examples. These can be found on the HSC Dance page in the NESA website (formerly known as Board of Studies).
If you would like to submit an essay to me for marking, you can do so by clicking on the following link: https://www.helenaadeledanceco.com/book-online
If you feel like you need more information on the HSC Dance prescribed Core Appreciation work Terrain, you can find all the information you need in our subscription service. Click on the following link for more information: https://www.helenaadeledanceco.com/plans-pricing
If you have any further questions please contact us helenaadeledanceco@outlook.com
Happy Learning,
Helena Adele :D